In truth, as I see it, Isolation was kinda doomed before it even."had the chance to defend itself", let's put it that way. However, I still believe that those reviews were just one of the pieces that contributed to Alien: Isolation underperforming on the market, but not the main cause. It is just the lower, or more negative scores gained more attention from and stood out more for fans for obvious reasons, and we in turn gave those reviews even more traction. At the same time as IGN, GameSpot, Polygon and some others were giving Isolation a 6, there were other well known outlets of the likes of PCGamer, Eurogamer, Escapist etc that gave it from great (8) to stellar (9-10), and those statistically were in overall majority. But also, IGN isn't THE mainstream video game outlet, as in it isn't the only one. They have undoubtedly contributed to that, as any review does, but that contribution imo is not nearly as critical as people think it is.įor starters, they would share the blame with the likes of GameSpot and Polygon, other mainstream video game outlets, who gave Isolation similarly "negative" (6/10 nowadays being negative in the eyes of public hurts me personally, even if, yes, Isolation doesn't deserve such a low score in my eyes), about whom people often forget. At least to stop (falsely) using IGN and their review, yes, as questionable of a site they are, as a scapegoat that takes all the blame for Isolation's poor sales in the eyes of Sega. I say this to all of you so that you know that I get you all, I understand you as a fellow over-obsessive fan of this magnifficent game because I have personally been there, on that hate-train, and I was fuming with anger just like you did, and some who still do. At last, I simply disagree with his opinion.

Years have passed, and while I have signifficantly cooled down on it, I do think that the reviewer could've done a better at doing his job, and that is understanding what type of experience the game is and supposed to provide, and with what mindset he, and as such, other players, have to get into it, and also simply do a better job at understanding how the game works, instead of trying to rush through it to push out a review in assigned by his supperiors time (for which I cannot blame him). was on that hate-train all over IGN for "ruining Isolation's sales and, as a result, chances of it getting a sequel, because of their horrible review". Before I provide my arguments against the popular belief, I will only say that, back in the day, when Isolation had just hit the shelfs, the IGN posted their review and.I haven't yet played the game because didn't have a system for it and it was too expensive for me, I, just like most fans of the game. I for a long time was thinking of making a post on this topic and felt the urge to make this post now because of one of the top comments in a recent post (that has been deleted, bu link is here, and as you can see there, the post is based on my commented response).

Please do not post Lets Play videos unless you think they are worthy of a submission. Under-powered and under-prepared, you must scavenge resources, improvise solutions and use your wits, not just to succeed in your mission, but to simply stay alive. As Amanda, you will navigate through an increasingly volatile world and find yourself confronted on all sides by a panicked, desperate population and a ruthless Alien. 15 years after the events of Alien, Ellen Ripley’s daughter, Amanda enters a desperate battle for survival, on a mission to unravel the truth behind her mother’s disappearance. Discover the meaning of fear in Alien: Isolation, a survival horror set in an atmosphere of constant dread and danger.